- Victory over the sun
- Raven
- Magic Thing
- The Top Five Letters of Liaisons DangereusesRepertoire
- 1000 Things FallingRepertoire
- Mansfeld Oratorio
- Dirty Neon Babylon
- Remode Zombi Andy Beuyz
- No one coming festival
- The Black MillRepertoire
- Red AlertRepertoire
- Der Freischütz
- Don Quijote / Donkey Shot / Done Quiche / Don Conquista / Don E. Coyote
- WaldenRepertoire
- Dead Season
- The Devil With The Three Golden HairsRepertoire
- Super Collider
- The Horror Of The Ordinary
- Affects 1 and 2
- Echo o o Trauma Tram
- Horror Breite Gegenwart – the culture eaters are coming!
- cooking in crisis
- Animal Farm
- Ding Dong Dom – Theater of the Future
- The Happy Ending Of Franz Kafkas Castle
- Everything
- Luna Park Burn Out Spreezone
- Paris 1871 Bonjour Commune
- X Wohnungen Warsaw Found Time
- Town Musicians of Bremen (after the fairytale by the Brothers Grimm)
- 1534
- Little Peter‘s Journey to the Moon (after the text by Gerdt von Bassewitz)
- OnnO Stromsturm for Elektra
- Vote Zombi Andy Beuyz
- The Robber HotzenplotzRepertoire
- Europiraadid
- Gomune
- Music Video "Zombi" by Kante
- Alarm Hamburg Shanghai
- Pirates
- Burn Cities Burn
- Grand Slam
- Showcase Super Aspirin
- Permanent Testcard
- Radar Radar nichts ist egal
- The Sound of a ball flying