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X Wohnungen Warsaw Found Time

After swiftly  leafing through our calendars earlier and later we found a lot of time. Wasted time, lost time, not well used time, good time, bad time, past and future, Central European time, perceived time and real time, rural time and urban time, full time and part time, atomic time and clock time, post-game time, time for sport and time for revolution, sunny time and rainy time, happy time and unhappy time, poor time and rich time, boring time and exciting time, love and sex, peace time and war time, lots of time and no time, lies and truth, cheap time and expensive time, working time and vacation time, music, language and dance, bent time, travel time and waiting time, valuable time, pointless time, bought time and sold time. It seems to be about time for this time.


Idea, realisation: Showcase Beat Le Mot

X Wohnungen Warsaw Found Time is a production by Showcase Beat Le Mot and Hebbel am Ufer Berlin. In collaboration with  Nowy Teatr Warschau and  Goethe Insitut Warschau. X Wohnungen Warschau is part of „The Promised City“.


„…. the house at Chlodna 20 ... The stairwell shows traces of neglect which almost presses us to the ground. Water damage, traces of fire, dirt and garbage, gruesome vacancy. The feeling of being trapped, the smell of crime and death. Small notes on the walls, with names, dates. ......The walk through Mirów is unsettling, deeply unsettling, the apartment in Chlodna Street - an installation by the performance group Showcase Beat Le Mot - tears open the seam between past and present. In this space, formalist concepts of cultural branding; installation, performance, curator, format ...“
(Die Zeit, 22 June 2010, Rüdiger Schaper, "Die eigenen vier Wände" zur Kunstaktion X Apartmens in Warschau – translation Showcase Beat Le Mot)