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Little Peter‘s Journey to the Moon (after the text by Gerdt von Bassewitz)

When baby Jesus, Santa Claus, the sandman and the Easter Bunny arrive on the same day, it's time to rethink one‘s life.
Shortly before World War I, the Prussian officer Gerdt von Bassewitz wrote the story of the cockchafer Sumsemann, who flies to the moon with the children Peterchen and Anneliese to get back his sixth leg, which the evil moon man has stolen from him.
Peterchens Mondfahrt is a cosmic allegory ball in verse form! Peterchens Mondfahrt is black pedagogy at its finest! Exactly what we were looking for!


Idea, realisation: Showcase Beat Le Mot / Set design, costume design, songs: Showcase Beat Le Mot / Music: Mense Reents / Video: Alexej Tchernyi / Elektronic Devices: Tobias Euler / Dramaturgy: Amelie Mallmann / Sound: Paul Ratzel / Lighting: Holger Schegum / Prodction Management: Olaf Nachtwey

Little Peter‘s Journey to the Moon is a production by Showcase Beat Le Mot with Theater an der Parkaue Berlin, Schauspiel Frankfurt and dschungelWien.


The sixth leg is recaptured, glued back to the body with spit and then it's back to the temple. And while the teachers still don't know what to make of this virtuoso dilettantes' show, the children are shoutin in choir: "Praise the Sumsemann!"
("Im Tempel des sechsten Beinchens/In the temple of the sixth leg" – translation Showcase Beat Le Mot)

Video – full length