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Red Alert

Red Alert is when there is love. Yellow alert is when four performers share a box with a sauna oven. Orange alert is when the thermal imaging camera starts to sweat. Red alert is when 432 red flashing lights on the floor spontaneously arrange themselves into a monologue. Yellow alert is when stonesstart to  melt in a burning oil barrel. Orange alert is when the Oder River flows out of its banks. Red alert is a convention of infrared radiation devices. Yellow alert is when the sauna infusion smells of Swiss cheese. Orange alert is when CO2 turns back into crude oil. Red alert is when airplanes travel by train.


Idea, realisation: Showcase Beat Le Mot / Music: Albrecht Kunze / Assistant: Tania Mourinho / Production Management: Olaf Nachtwey

Red Alert is a production by Showcase Beat Le Mot with Monologfestival at Theaterdiscounter Berlin.


„Not that no one saw it coming! A huge, ugly "Elle" made of cushions, pillows, balls and filling material stuffed into huge sacks rolls in slow motion from the depths of the stage towards the ramp. For many meters of the stage, the audience observes the awkward process in calm contemplation and peace of mind. Only one or two meters in front of the first row does unrest arise: At the last moment, a few courageous audience members get to work, trying to stop the upholstered wall, throwing objects back to put a stop to the transformation and to avoid being simply rolled over. A simple, yet nonetheless convincing scenario ...“

(Theater Heute, January, 22nd, 2020,  Eva Behrendt, „Klimatheater: Genuss und Bestürzung“ – translation Showcase Beat Le Mot)

Video – Full length