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Luna Park Burn Out Spreezone

Homer ratted us out, Shakespeare sold us out, Goethe auctioned us off, communism took advantage of us, capitalism screwed us over. They all revealed too much about us. Only the gods have remained faithful to us. That is why we pay homage to them and sacrifice all the arts and languages we know so that our everyday life burns away and something new emerges from its smoke. Over three days, visitors to the Plänterwald will erect the monstrous figure of the Burn Out Man together with Showcase Beat Le Mot. Together we build our wishes and fears into this colossus. Together we will sacrifice them in an exuberant ritual at the end. The carousel of merry madness turns - Bauhaus jugglers, laughing music machines, competing choirs, Prater magicians, fortune tellers and out-of-control fun-rides fight for our attention. that#s the way we celebrate the spring festival of exhaustion and ask the gods for a broader future. And all along with us the Burn Out! Burn Out! Burn Out!


Idea, realisation: Showcase Beat Le Mot
Line-up/guests: Manuel Muerte, Tobias Euler, Boy Division, Jane Walton, Kapaikos, Die Vögel, Das Oberkreuzberger Nasenflötenorchester, Alexey Tscherny, Ariel Ashbel, Sebastian Suba.

Luna Park Burn Out Spreezone is a production by Showcase Beat Le Mot with HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin and Plänterwald Berlin.


„(…) The highlight came on Saturday night with the lighting of the so-called Burn Out Man — a monstrous five-metre tall wooden wicker man, which organisers said represented the ills of modern Berlin life.“
"We're against what has been called the 'neue Müdigkeitsgesellschaft' – the tired society where everyone is mentally kaput and there is no distinction between work and leisure. We're against the North American capitalist model which demands people work all the time," said Nick Duric from the Showcase Beat Le Mot collective.“
(, Helen Pidd in Berlin, 29.05.2011)

Video – Burn, Burn Out Man, Burn